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Rohith Krishna clinches Ostravský Koník Open A 2023

by Shahid Ahmed - 24/05/2023

IM S Rohith Krishna scored an unbeaten 7.5/9 to win Ostravský Koník Open A2023. He finished a full point ahead of the field. Four players - FM Mike Ivanov (CAN), GM Lukasz Jarmula (POL), GM Petro Golubko (UKR) and FM Mikkel Manosri Jakobsen (DEN) scored 6.5/9 each. They were placed second to fifth respectively according to tie-breaks. Rohith drew against the eventual runner-up, Ivanov in the penultimate round. The total prize fund in Open A (>1900) was CZK 90000. The top three prizes were 30000, 20000 and 10000 respectively. Rohith won ₹112827 approx. This was Rohith's second consecutive tournament victory of the year after he won 19th Malakoff Open last month. Photo: Diana Svobodova/Šachový festival Ostravský koník

Rohith wins his second consecutive tournament

IM S Rohith Krishna had a sole lead 6.5/8 heading into the final round. A draw probably also would have been enough for him to win the tournament, however, Rohith decided to go for the maximum against CM Marek Fizer (CZE). The teenager won the final round game and finished a full point ahead of the competition.

Champion - IM S Rohith Krishna | Photo: Diana Svobodova/Šachový festival Ostravský koník

Prize winners - IM S Rohith Krishna 7.5/9 (right)

IM S Rohith Krishna scored an unbeaten 7.5/9 and gained 16.7 Elo rating points

Round 2: WFM Martyna Starosta (POL) - IM S Rohith Krishna: 0-1 | Photo: Diana Svobodova/Šachový festival Ostravský koník

Round 3: FM Pavel Jirasek (CZE) - IM S Rohith Krishna: 0-1 | Photo: Diana Svobodova/Šachový festival Ostravský koník

Round 4: IM Sebastian Plischki (GER) - IM S Rohith Krishna: 0-1 | Photo: Diana Svobodova/Šachový festival Ostravský koník

Round 5: GM Petro Golubka (UKR) - IM S Rohith Krishna: 0.5-0.5 | Photo: Diana Svobodova/Šachový festival Ostravský koník

Round 8: FM Mike Ivanov (CAN) - IM S Rohith Krishna: 0.5-0.5 | Photo: Diana Svobodova/Šachový festival Ostravský koník

Round 9: IM S Rohith Krishna S - FM Marek Fizer (CZE): 1-0 | Photo: Diana Svobodova/Šachový festival Ostravský koník

The tournament hall at Cerna Louka Exhibition Centre in Ostrava, Czech Republic | Photo: Diana Svobodova/Šachový festival Ostravský koník

A total of 73 players including 3 GMs and 7 IMs participated in the Open A (>1900) category from 14 countries across the world. The nine-day nine-round Swiss league Rating tournament was organized by Ostrava Chess z.s. at Cerna Louka Exhibition Centre in Ostrava, Czech Republic from 6th to 14th May 2023. The time control for the event was 90 mins/40 moves + 30 mins/end + 30 s/move.

Final standings

Rk.SNo NameFEDRtgClub/CityPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 Krtg+/-
IMRohith, Krishna SIND23857,54253,539,51016,7
FMIvanov, MikeCAN2321Canada Chess Youth Club6,539,551352019,2
GMJarmula, LukaszPOL2439KSz Hetman Katowice6,539,549,531,510-5,3
GMGolubka, PetroUKR2371Dolyna ches club6,5395136,5101,6
FMJacobsen, Mikkel ManosriDEN2341BMS Skak6,538,550,532,5204,2
GMRomanishin, Oleg MUKR2405637493310-8,4
CMMondrzycki, BartlomiejPOL2260Bialy Krol Wisznia Mala63747,530,52011,4
CMBujnoch, RadekCZE22612222 ŠK Polabiny, z.s.636,54731,5206,2
IMMannion, Stephen RSCO2189Paisley634,54329,5108,7
FMJirásek, PavelCZE2315Šachový klub Lípa, z.s.6334328,520-22,6



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