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Magnus Carlsen clinches his fifth Norway Chess title, Vishy Anand third

by Shahid Ahmed - 11/06/2022

Magnus Carlsen won 10th Norway Chess 2022 convincingly. He scored 16.5/27 and finished a full point ahead of the field. Despite losing three Armageddon in this event, he still managed to win it. Shakhriyar Mamedyarov had a good opportunity to win the tournament, however he was denied glory by his fellow countryman Teimour Radjabov. The upcoming FIDE Candidates participant displayed his defensive skills and beat his opponent in the Armageddon to ensure Mamedyarov finishes second 15.5/27. Vishy Anand beat Aryan Tari in Armageddon to secure third position 14.5/27. Photo: Lennart Ootes/Norway Chess

Carlsen makes it four in-a-row

Magnus Carlsen has won one of the strongest tournament in the world - Norway Chess for the fourth consecutive time. Since 2019, he is winning this event. The first time he won it was back in 2016. The eleventh edition will take place from 28th May to 29th June 2023, as mentioned on the Norway Chess' twitter bio.

Magnus Carlsen wins the Norway Chess tournament for the fifth time | Photo: Lennart Ootes/Norway Chess

Carlsen drew the Armageddon with black pieces to win the match and the tournament | Photo: Lennart Ootes/Norway Chess
Magnus Carlsen: "Any tournament victory is wonderful!" | Video: chess24

Mamedyarov - Radjabov: 1-1.5

Shakhriyar Mamedyarov had all the intentions to play for a win against Teimour Radjabov. It would have been their first decisive Classical game in over 12 years. The last decisive Classical game between them was in May 2010 at FIDE GP.

Position after 27...Kg8

The above position is evident that Mamedyarov tried his very best to push for a win. However, it was not enough. There was no win for White. The game ended in a draw and Mamedyarov went on to lose the Armageddon which meant he secured second position.

Power Play 11 - Defence
Power Play 11 - Defence
Practical Chess Defence by Jacob Aagaard
Practical Chess Defence by Jacob Aagaard

Radjabov showed his defensive skills | Photo: Lennart Ootes/Norway Chess

Tari - Anand: 1-1.5

The Classical encounter in a 22-move draw via repetition. Aryan Tari had a good opportunity to win the endgame. He could not capitalize on his opportunity. Eventually he ran out of time in a theoretically drawn Philidor position in a Rook endgame with Anand being the defender and Tari having a lone central passed pawn.

Power Play 16 - Test Your Rook Endgames
Power Play 16 - Test Your Rook Endgames
Chess Endgames 13 - Double rook endings
Chess Endgames 13 - Double rook endings
Vishy Anand beats Aryan Tari in Armageddon | Video: ChessBase India
Vishy Anand on Norway Chess 2022- phenomenal games, missed chances, premature resignation and more! | Video: ChessBase India

Maxime Vachier-Lagrave - Anish Giri: 1.5-1 | Photo: Lennart Ootes/Norway Chess

Hao Wang - Wesley So: 1-1.5 | Photo: Lennart Ootes/Norway Chess
10th Norway Chess 2022 Round 9 Live Commentary by IM Sagar Shah | Video: ChessBase India

Round 9 results | Photo: Norway Chess

Replay Round 9 games

Final standings after Round 9

Magnus Carlsen finished a full point ahead of the field 16.5/27 | Photo: Norway Chess


Blitz Round 1 starts on 30th May 2022. at 6 p.m. local time (9:30 p.m. IST).

Classical games will be played from 31st May to 10th June 2022. Everyday game starts at 5 p.m. local time (8:30 p.m. IST). 4th and 8th June are the rest days.

10th Norway Chess 2022 schedule | Photo: Norway Chess


Official site

Tournament Regulations

Blitz Tournament Regulations

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