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10th Norway Chess 2022 R2: So beats Carlsen again, Anand reenters World top 10

by Shahid Ahmed - 02/06/2022

Vishy Anand scored his second consecutive Classical victory at 10th Norway Chess 2022. The win over his former rival, Veselin Topalov, earned him enough rating points to reenter the World top 10 rankings. His live rating is now 2760.7 which makes his current rank no.9. This victory also gave him a sole lead 6/6. In a battle of the reigning world champions, Wesley So defeated Magnus Carlsen for the second time in three days. The Classical game ended in a draw. So won the must-win Armageddon with white pieces against the world no.1. Round 3 starts today from 5 p.m. local time (8:30 p.m. IST). Photo: Lennart Ootes/Norway Chess

Anand gains sole lead

The only victory in the Classical game of Round 2 was scored by Anand. Although he won on time, this is Anand's first victory in a Classical game against Topalov in almost 5.5 years. Three out of the four Armageddon were won by White. Only Anish Giri drew his completely winning Armageddon against Hao because he was playing with black pieces which means a draw was enough for him to win the game and match.

Vishy Anand won his second consecutive Classical game in a row | Photo: Lennart Ootes/Norway Chess

Wesley So has beaten Magnus Carlsen for the second time in this event in three days | Photo: Lennart Ootes/Norway Chess

So - Carlsen: 1.5-1

The Classical game between Wesley So (2775) and Magnus Carlsen (2864) ended in a draw. So relied on his trusty Italian in the Armageddon.

Position after 42...Qc5

In the final moments of the endgame, the world no.1 blundered 42...Qc5. Thus, leaving his king vulnerable. So blocked the queen's control on the fifth rank 43.e5 Ra8 44.Qg5+ Kh7 45.Kh2 Rg8 46.Qh4+ Kg7 47.Nf5+ Bxf5 48.Qf6+ Kh7 49.Qxf5+ Kg7 50.Qf6+ and Black resigned.

Wesley So: My Black Secrets in the Modern Italian
Wesley So: My Black Secrets in the Modern Italian

So has beaten Carlsen twice in three days before also in Norway at the Fischer Random World Championship in 2019 | Photo: Lennart Ootes/Norway Chess

Topalov - Anand: 0-3

In a battle of former World Champions, Veselin Topalov (BUL, 2730) ran out of time against Vishy Anand (2751) in a relatively equal endgame.

Vishy Anand enters top 10 in the world again! Beats his old rival Topalov | Video: ChessBase India

Topalov lost track of time | Photo: Lennart Ootes/Norway Chess
Veselin Topalov Interview after Round 2 | Video: Norway Chess

Veselin Topalov at the Confessional booth said some nice things about Wesley So

Teimour Radjabov - Aryan Tari: 1.5-1 | Photo: Lennart Ootes/Norway Chess
Aryan Tari Interview after Round 2 | Video: Norway Chess

Maxime Vachier-Lagrave - Shakhriyar Mamedyarov: 1.5-1 | Photo: Lennart Ootes/Norway Chess

Hao Wang - Anish Giri: 1-1.5 | Photo: Lennart Ootes/Norway Chess
Anish Giri Interview after Round 2 | Video: Norway Chess
Hao Wang Interview after Round 2 | Video: Norway Chess
10th Norway Chess 2022 Round 2 Live Commentary by IM Sagar Shah | Video: ChessBase India

Photo Gallery

Monica Runestad from 2020 park making the first move on Radjabov and Tari's board | Photo: Norway Chess

Ole Morten Dreyer from Dreyer Bolig AS made his first move on Vachier-Lagrave - Mamedyarov's board | Photo: Norway Chess

Morten Viksoy from Reiten &Co made his first move on So-Carlsen's game | Photo: Norway Chess

Snorre Ellefsen from Sparebanke 1 SR - Bank plays his first move on Topalov-Anand's board | Photo: Norway Chess

Espen Ydstebo from Base Gruppen making the first move on Hao-Giri's board | Photo: Norway Chess

Round 2 in progress | Photo: Norway Chess

Spectators watching all the action | Photo: Norway Chess

Round 2 results | Photo: Norway Chess

Replay Round 2 games

Standings after Round 2

Vishy Anand has gained sole lead 6/6 | Photo: Norway Chess

Round 3 pairings

Vishy Anand will be up against Hao Wang in Round 3 | Photo: Norway Chess


Blitz Round 1 starts on 30th May 2022. at 6 p.m. local time (9:30 p.m. IST).

Classical games will be played from 31st May to 10th June 2022. Everyday game starts at 5 p.m. local time (8:30 p.m. IST). 4th and 8th June are the rest days.

10th Norway Chess 2022 schedule | Photo: Norway Chess


Official site

Tournament Regulations

Blitz Tournament Regulations

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