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Praggnanandhaa clinches 15th Paracin Open with a 2789 performance, now World no.89

by Shahid Ahmed - 17/07/2022

Praggnanandhaa scored an unbeaten 8/9 to win 15th Paracin Open 2022. He finished a half point ahead of the field. Just like his Kvika Reykjavik Open triumph earlier this year, here also the tie-breaks became a non-factor. IM Muthaiah Al scored an impressive 7/9. He was placed fourth according to tie-breaks. IM Pranav Venkatesh, GM Arjun Kalyan and IM Harshavardhan G B scored 6.5/9 each. They were placed fifth, seventh and eighth according to tie-breaks. FM Rohith Krishna S won the 18th Memorial Rapid with an unbeaten 8/9. IM Harikrishnan A Ra secured third place 7.5/9. IM Pranav, Vaibhav Jayant Raut and Aakash Sharadchandra Dalvi secured the top three places in the Blitz Open scoring 9.5/11 each. Photo: FM FT IA IO Sasa Jevtic

India dominates all three formats

GM Praggnanandhaa won the Classical event in Open A category. He won RSD 180000 (approx. ₹123325). Total prize fund in the Open A category was RSD 640000 (approx. ₹438489). The champion gained 12.5 Elo rating points, taking his live rating to 2660.5. He is now World no. 89.

Champion - GM Praggnanandhaa R 8/9 | Photo: FM FT IA IO Sasa Jevtic

Top 3 (L to R) - 3rd GM Alisher Suleymenov (KAZ), 1st GM Praggnanandhaa R and 2nd Alexandr Predke | Photo: FM FT IA IO Sasa Jevtic

Koustav - Praggnanandhaa, Round 5

Position after 15.f4

What separates a very strong player from the rest is, the ability to seize opportunities even when the opponent made a tiny inaccuracy 15.fxe4 Nxe4 16.Nxe4 Bxe4 17.Rf4 f6 is an example of a better way to continue for White. However, 15.f4 created an opportunity for Black to jump his knight Nb4, having the idea to occupy the d3-square. Since the white queen is misplaced, White does not have 16.g4 as Black will sacrifice the knight and have no trouble bringing his queen and rook into the attack with little to no resistance. The game continued 16.Kh2 Nd3 17.Qc2 Ra6 and slowly Black dismantled White's position.

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Champion - GM Praggnanandhaa with FM FT IA IO Sasa Jevtic

Praggnanandhaa scored an unbeaten 8/9, performed at 2789 and gained 12.5 Elo rating points

India once again has eight players in the World Top 100 inlive ratings | Source:

4th - IM Muthaiah Al 7/9 | Photo: FM FT IA IO Sasa Jevtic

5th IM Pranav Venkatesh 6.5/9 | Photo: FM FT IA IO Sasa Jevtic

7th GM Arjun Kalyan 6.5/9 | Photo: FM FT IA IO Sasa Jevtic

IM Harshavardhan G B 6.5/9  | Photo: FM FT IA IO Sasa Jevtic

Rohith Krishna wins Rapid, Pranav clinches Blitz Open

FM Rohith Krishna S (1977) scored an unbeaten 8/9 and finished a half point ahead of the field to win 18th Memorial Rapid "Uros Dinic" Paracin. He also gained a massive 104 Elo rating points. IM Harikrishnan A Ra scored 7.5/9 to secure third place as per tie-breaks. Sanknet Chakravarty was the only untitled player to finish in top 10. He scored 7/9 and was placed sixth according to tie-breaks. Total prize fund for the Rapid Rating Open event was RSD 70000. Top three prizes were RSD 15000 and trophy, 12000 and 9000 each respectively. Rohith and Harikrishnan won approx. ₹10277 and ₹6166 each.

18th Memorial Rapid "Uros Dinic" Paracin Top 3 (L to R) - 2nd GM Yago De Moura Santiago (BRA), 1st FM Rohith Krishna S and 3rd - IM Harikrishnan A Ra | Photo: FM FT IA IO Sasa Jevtic

Champion - FM Rohith Krishna S 8/9 | Photo: FM FT IA IO Sasa Jevtic

FM Rohith Krishna S scored an unbeaten 8/9 and gained 104 Rapid Rating points

2nd GM Yago De Moura Santiago (BRA) 7.5/9 | Photo: FM FT IA IO Sasa Jevtic

3rd IM Harikrishnan A Ra 7.5/9 | Photo: FM FT IA IO Sasa Jevtic

A total of 160 players including 5 GMs and 15 IMs took part in the Rapid Rating event from 23 countries across the world. The time control was 10 minutes + 5 seconds increment.

IM Pranav Venkatesh (2380), Vaibhav Jayant Raut (2094) and Aakash Sharadchandra Dalvi (1747) all three of them scored 9.5/11 each at 15th Paracin Blitz Open 2022. They were placed first, second and third respectively according to tie-breaks. The total prize fund was RSD 50000.

Top 3 in Blitz Open (L to R) - 3rd Aakash Sharadchandra Dalvi 9.5/11, 1st IM Pranav Venkatesh 9.5/11 and 2nd Vaibhav Jayant Raut 9.5/11 | Photo: FM FT IA IO Sasa Jevtic

1st IM Pranav Venkatesh 9.5/11 | Photo: FM FT IA IO Sasa Jevtic

2nd Vaibhav Jayant Raut 9.5/11 | Photo: FM FT IA IO Sasa Jevtic

3rd Aakash Sharadchandra Dalvi 9.5/11 | Photo: FM FT IA IO Sasa Jevtic

A total of 107 players including a GM and 5 IMs took part in the Blitz Open from 17 countries across the world. The time control for 11-round Swiss League Blitz Rating Open was 3 minutes + 2 seconds each.


A total of 160 players including 19 GMs, 18 IMs, 2 WGMs and 6 WIMs took part in Open A category from 23 countries across the world in this ten-day ten rounds Swiss League rating tournament. The tournament was organized by Ayuntamiento de Benasque (Municipality of Benasque) at Benasque Sport Pavillion, Benasque, Huesca in Spain from 6th to 15th July 2022. The time control of the tournament was 90 minutes + 30 seconds increment.

Replay all games

Final standings in Classical Open A

Rk.SNo NameFEDRtgPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 Krtg+/-
GMPraggnanandhaa RIND26488,050,543,071012,5
GMPredke AlexandrFID26887,549,538,56103,5
IMSuleymenov AlisherKAZ24677,047,036,061012,2
IMMuthaiah AlIND24017,043,033,071014,6
IMPranav VIND25126,547,035,55109,1
FMNogerbek KazybekKAZ24376,546,535,051013,3
GMArjun KalyanIND24996,545,534,55106,9
IMHarshavardhan G BIND23976,545,532,55109,8
IMOhanyan EminARM23546,545,033,561019,6
IMGan-Erdene SugarMGL24286,544,033,05103,7
IMDjordjevic VukSRB23826,542,531,561012,0
IMMenezes ChristophAUT24176,539,528,5410-2,5
IMUrazayev ArystanbekKAZ24306,050,536,051013,1
IMKoustav ChatterjeeIND24856,049,534,55101,9
IMMakarian RudikRUS25336,047,034,0410-1,6
FMHan YichenNED22866,044,032,052042,0
WFMKairbekova AminaKAZ21336,043,030,0440161,2
GMGundavaa BayarsaikhanMGL25036,042,531,5410-6,9
GMMakhnev DenisKAZ24926,042,032,5510-3,8
IMAnuj ShrivatriIND23836,041,530,05202,2


Final standings in Rapid

Rk.SNo NamesexFEDRtgPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 Krtg+/-
FMRohith Krishna SIND19778,046,542,5720104,0
GMSantiago Yago De MouraBRA24707,546,037,0720-15,2
IMDjordjevic VukSRB24007,048,535,5620-17,4
FMZemlyanskii IvanRUS19797,047,536,562064,0
Sanket ChakravartyIND15007,045,033,5520132,6
FMSamant Aditya SIND16917,041,032,0720114,4
IMOhanyan EminARM22256,552,035,0520-32,8
FMTaspinar YankiTUR23116,550,538,0520-20,8
IMGan-Erdene SugarMGL21096,549,537,562041,6
IMAditya MittalIND16956,546,031,5520103,6
FMNogerbek KazybekKAZ23516,545,535,5620-25,4
IMNeelash SahaIND20356,545,534,562025,6
IMSrihari L RIND19776,545,531,552023,8
Utsab ChatterjeeIND16436,544,533,0620126,8


Final standings in Blitz

Rk.SNo NamesexFEDRtgPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 Krtg+/-
IMPranav VIND23809,576,060,59208,2
Vaibhav Jayant RautIND20949,575,555,582058,6
Aakash Sharadchandra DalviIND17479,574,558,0820139,0
FMRohith Krishna SIND21178,074,051,0820-0,4
IMNeelash SahaIND20358,068,548,082012,6
Sanket ChakravartyIND19178,065,550,082089,8
CMCilek BoraTUR21168,065,048,0820-8,4
CMCvetanovic UrosSRB23067,575,048,0720-44,2
GMPikula DejanSRB24347,571,048,0720-59,8



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